1. Where will green twigs rise from?
Answer: The green twigs will rise from close to the ground.
2. In what manner does the soldier lie in the countryside?
Answer: the soldier in the countryside is lying in as if he is first asleep.
3. What does Shakespeare compare his friend to?
Answer: Shakespeare compares his friend to a summer’s day.
4. Where the grasshopper does rests at ease in summer?
Answer: In summer the grasshopper rests at ease beneath some pleasant weeds.
5 .‘A then it is done’— What act is referred to here?
Answer: The ‘accomplishment’ of having killed the tree is referred to here.
6. ‘The humming insects don’t disturb his rest”; Why?
Answer: The humming insects don’t disturb his rest because he is enjoying an eternal sleep.
What shall death not brag? Answer: death will not be able to brag about the charming existence of the poet’s friend in his ‘shade’.
What does the cricket’s song seem to one in drowsiness half-lost? Answer: The cricket’s song seems to be the songs of grasshopper to ‘one in drowsiness
What is the smile of the dead soldier compare to? Answer: The smile of the dead soldier is compared to an infant’s gentle and pure smile.
What is to be done with the root in the poem “On Killing a Tree”? Answer: The root is to be pulled out of the anchoring earth in the poem “On Killing a Tree”.
What does Keats celebrate in the poem “The Poetry of Earth”? Answer: In the poem “The Poetry of Earth “, Keats celebrates the music of earth through the cycle of seasons.
Where were the soldier’s feet? Answer: The soldier’s feet were among the flowers.
What type of poem is ‘On Killing a Tree’? Answer: ‘On Killing a Tree’ is a free verse.
What does the slow stream leave on the bright grass? Answer: The slow stream leaves long strands of silver on the bright grass.
What is the soldier’s pillow made of? Answer: The soldier’s pillow is made of fern.
What shakes the darling buds of May? Answer: The rough winds shake the darling buds of May.
N.B.: Students are requested to memorize excess from exercise book.