Sunday 5 April 2020

How did Othello overcome the fury of Brabantio after marrying Desdemona? ( ডেসডিমোনাকে বিয়ে করার পর অথেলো কিভাবে ব্রাবানশিওর প্রবল ক্রোধের মোকাবিলা করেছিলেন?)

    Othello secretly married Desdemona without taking any consent form Desdemona's father Brabantio. So, Brabantio became furious and complained to the Duke that Othello had won the heart of his daughter by witchcraft. Hence, Othello was called upon for his defence. Othello plainly talked about his love for Desdemona. He spoke so eloquently that there was no trickery in it. The only witchcraft that he had used, was the art of telling a soft story to win the heart of a lady. Thus the complaint of Brabantio was not accepted by Senate and he was compelled to accept Othello as his son- in-law.

Class XI Political Science

Class XII Political Science

Class 12 Bangla Books Question& Answers