Sunday 5 April 2020

Answer any four of the following questions in a single sentence each (Sof Poems)

(1) Where will green twigs rise from?

Answer: The green twigs will rise from close to the ground.

(2) "not so much pain will do it......."  What task does the word 'it' refer to?

Answer: The word 'it' refers to the task of  killing a tree.

(3) What according to Gieve Patel is 'the most sensitive part of a tree'?

Answer: According to Gieve Patel 'the most sensitive part of the tree' is root.

(4) What does the phrase 'earth cave' refer to?

Answer: The phrase 'rarth cave' refers to the large hole in the ground created by the  uprooting of the tree.

(5) What type of poem is ‘On Killing a Tree’?  Answer: ‘On Killing a Tree’ is a free verse.

(6) What scorch and choke the tree after it is pulled out?

Answer: The sun  scorch and choke the tree after it is pulled out.

(7) ‘And then it is done’— What act is referred to here?

 Answer:  The ‘accomplishment’ of having killed the tree is referred to here.

(8) How does a tree grow?

Answer: Atree grows slowly by consuming the earth and absorbing sunlight, air and water for years.

(9) What is to be done with the root in the poem “On Killing a Tree”?

  Answer:  The root is to be pulled out of the anchoring earth in the poem “On Killing a Tree”.

(10) What causes the bark of a tree to bleed?

Answer: The cruel act of hacking and chopping of a tree causes the bark to bleed.

(11) In what manner does the soldier lie in the countryside?

 Answer: The soldier in the countryside is lying in as if he is first asleep.

(12) Why is the soldier pale?

Answer: The soldier is pale because he is dead.

(13) How does the poet bring out the innocence of the soldier in 'Aseep in the Valley'?

Answer: In 'Asleep in the Valley' the poet brings out the innocence of the soldier by comparing the soldier's smile to an infant.

(14) What is the smile of the dead soldier compare to?

 Answer:  The smile of the dead soldier is compared to an infant’s gentle and pure smile.

(15) The humming insects don’t disturb his rest”; Why?

 Answer:  The humming insects don’t disturb his rest because he is enjoying an eternal sleep.

(16) Where were the soldier’s feet?

 Answer: The soldier’s feet were among the flowers.

(17) What is described as ' gentle', without guile

Answer: The innocent smile lingering on the face of the dead soldier is described as 'gentle without guile'.

(18) Where does the stream live 'long strands of silver'?

Answer: The stream leaves 'long strands of silver' on the bright grass of a small green valley

(19) What does the slow stream leave on the bright grass?

 Answer:  The slow stream leaves long strands of silver on the bright grass.

(20) What is the soldier’s pillow made of?

 Answer:  The soldier’s pillow is made of fern.

(21) Why does the poet ask nature to keep the soldier warm?

Answer: The poet ask nature to keep the soldier warm so that he may not catch cold.

(22) What does Shakespeare compare his friend to?

Answer:  Shakespeare compares his friend to a summer’s day.

(23) What shall death not brag?

 Answer:  death will not be able to brag about the charming existence of the poet’s friend in his ‘shade’.

(24) What will make the beauty of the poet's friend eternal?

Answer: Eternal poetry will make the beauty of the poet's friend eternal.

(25) How is the gold complexion of the sun dimmed?

Answer: The cloud makes the gold complexion of summer dimmed.

(26) "And summer's lease hath all too short a date" ----What is meant by summer's lease?

Answer: summer's lease means short duration of Summer.

(27) "So long lives this" --- What is referred to by the word 'this'?

Answer: The word 'this' refers to Shakespeare's sonnet No. 18

(28) Where does grasshopper rest at ease in summer?

 Answer:  In summer the grasshopper rests at ease beneath some pleasant weeds.

(29) What gives life to the poet's friend in Shakespeare's sonnet No. 18?

Answer: This poem (Sonnet No. 18) gives life to the poet's friend.

(30) How long will the young man be remembered in Shakespeare's Sonnet No. 18?

Answer: In Shakespeare's sonnet No. 18, the young man will be remembered so long as men can breath or eyes can see.

(31) What shakes the darling buds of May? 

Answer:  The rough winds shake the darling buds of May.

(32) who takes the lead in summer?

Answer: The grasshopper takes the lead in summer.

(33) what do the birds do in summer?

Answer:  The birds faint due to the heat of sun in summer and height in the following trees.

(34) "A voice will run from hedge to hedge"-- Whose voice is referred to here?

Answer: The voice of the grasshopper has been referred to here.

(35) "He has never done with his delights"-- Who is 'he' referred to here?

Answer: Here 'he' refers to the grasshopper.

(36) What does the cricket’s song seem to one in drowsiness half-lost?

Answer:  The cricket’s song seems to be the songs of grasshopper to ‘one in drowsiness

(37) What does Keats celebrate in the poem “The Poetry of Earth”?

Answer:   In the poem “The Poetry of Earth “, Keats celebrates the music of earth through the cycle of seasons.

(38) Where does the grasshopper rest?

Answer: The Grasshopper takes rest beneath some pleasant weed.

(39) From where is the song of the cricket heard in 'The poetry of Earth'?

Answer: The cricket's song seems  to shrill from the stove.

(40) What might one hear on a lone, cold and silent winter evening?

Answer: On a lone, cold and silent winter evening one might hear the cricket's song from the stove

N.B.: Students are requested to memorize excess from exercise book.

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