Sunday, 5 April 2020

Discuss the character of Play Natalya.

Ans:- In the play "The Proposal" Anton Chekhov has presented three characters. Natalya is one of them. She is a young unmarried girl of twenty five years. She is well educated, an excellent housekeeper and is not bad looking. But she is very quarrelsome and abusive by nature. She begins a bitter quarrel with Lomov over Oxen Meadows. She drives Lomov out. But when she learns that Lomov has come to propose to her, she forgets all her grievances. She begins to wail over her lost chance. She asks her father to call him back. She begs pardon of Lomov. She again starts quarreling with  Lomov over the hunting dogs. Finally, when she gets married, she shows no sign of romance. Again, she starts quarreling. So she is a perfect match for Lomov.

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