Sunday, 5 April 2020

Show, after Keats, that the poetry of earth never comes to an end Identify the voices of the poetry in the poem . / How does Keats establish continuity through the voice ?

Ans:-John Keats, the poet believes that that the poetry of earth will never end. It will live through the music of earth. In the summer, the music of nature is heard in the song of the grasshopper. It is carried by the shrill of the cricket in winter.
       The birds faint in the hot summer days. They take rest in the cool shadow of trees. But music of summer cannot be stopped. The grasshopper takes the lead. The song of grasshopper runs from hedge to hedge. Being tired the grasshopper take rest beneath some pleasant weed. The cricket carries the music in winter. The song of the cricket introduces warmth in the forest. Thus Keats establishes that the music of nature can never be ceased.

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